Thomas Rickert and Lars Steffen from the eco Association, explain on on eco´s dotmagazine the importance of acting and collaborating in the fight against abuse involving the DNS.
Theo Geurts from Realtime Register B.V. describes on eco´s dotmagazine a proactive approach to malicious domains, based on analyzing and sharing data, and responding to incidents.
What is DNS abuse? On eco´s dotmagazine, Simone Catania from InterNetX looks at the definition of DNS abuse and describes scenarios for prevention and mitigation.
On eco´s dotmagazine, Els de Jong and Wido Potters from BIT, explain about software-based tools for combatting illegal and harmful content.
On eco´s dotmagazine, Alexandra Koch-Skiba from the eco Complaints Office explains the attentive reporting and take-down of illegal content on the Internet.
On eco´s dotmagazine, Gia Isabella from CleanDNS addresses the creation of standards for evidence of Internet abuse to expedite the handling of abusive content.
ICANN org’s eighth Middle East Domain Name System (DNS) Forum has taken place virtually 16 – 18 May 2022 and offered a closer look at the evolving DNS ecosystem from a technical and policy perspective. The topDNS Initiative, the DNS Abuse Institute, and CoCCA Registry Services participated in the Panel on…Read More
In collaboration with iQ Solutions, eco´s topDNS initiative organized and co-hosted a hands-on workshop at Nordic Domain Days to address DNS Abuse. We will publish the results of the workshop shortly.
With its topDNS initiative, the conference programme was complemented by a well-attended eco panel discussion: Keith Drazek, Vice-President Public Policy & Government Relations at VeriSign and one of the topDNS founding members, introduced the topic with his keynote on the need to regularly work side-by-side in mitigating DNS security threats. The panel discussion…Read More