ICANN org’s eighth Middle East Domain Name System (DNS) Forum has taken place virtually 16 – 18 May 2022 and offered a closer look at the evolving DNS ecosystem from a technical and policy perspective. The topDNS Initiative, the DNS Abuse Institute, and CoCCA Registry Services participated in the Panel on…Read More

In collaboration with iQ Solutions, eco´s topDNS initiative organized and co-hosted a hands-on workshop at Nordic Domain Days to address DNS Abuse. We will publish the results of the workshop shortly.

With its topDNS initiative, the conference programme was complemented by a well-attended eco panel discussion: Keith Drazek, Vice-President Public Policy & Government Relations at VeriSign and one of the topDNS founding members, introduced the topic with his keynote on the need to regularly work side-by-side in mitigating DNS security threats. The panel discussion…Read More