What’s your name, organisation and role? Theo Geurts, Realtime Register B.V. GRC Officer Where do you work and live? Zwolle, Netherlands What is your personal and Realtime Register role in the DNS industry? We are a wholesale registrar and provide registrar backend services to other ICANN registrars. Why do you…Read More
The Internet is a daily companion for billions of people worldwide, enabling them to make their lives more connected, efficient and flexible. However, the World Wide Web also has its dark side: one of these is illegal websites, which can harm those affected by data misuse or malware, among other…Read More
This blog is a repost from the DNS Abuse Institute, reproduced with permission. This blog and the associated report aim to provide an overview of DNS Abuse related issues the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), part of the ICANN multi-stakeholder model, has identified. We also summarize the relevant community activity taking place to address these…Read More
Criminals running commercial child sexual abuse ‘brands’ are taking advantage of a ‘loophole’ to remain online. This new partnership aims to shut them down for good. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Criminal child sexual abuse ‘brands’ are the target of a new “first-of-its-kind” partnership aiming to stop illegal sites…Read More
The topDNS webinar on “Addressing, evidencing, and mitigating abuse in Web3” was held on 12 December 2023. This was the sixth in a series of topDNS best practice webinars which showcase what the domain name industry is doing to fight DNS abuse. The webinar was moderated by Lars Steffen, Head…Read More
Thomas Rickert and Lars Steffen, eco Association, explain why complying with the NIS2 Directive and Article 28, in particular, presents challenges for the DNS industry. Everyone is responsible for everything, but not everyone has to do everything!
In featuring the Domain Name System’s pivotal role in connecting the online world, Vanda Scartezini & Cheryl Langdon-Orr from DNS Women highlight how their network is leading the way to a more inclusive future. Join us on this transformative journey!
Nameshield’s CPO Christophe Gérard emphasizes the crucial role of DNS in Internet security and explores emerging trends to protect your online presence.

Unveiling the Blind Spots: Enhancing DNS Abuse and Online Harm Mitigation Through Regionally Specific Data
What are key factors in globally combating DNS abuse? Not only reputation blocklists, but also diverse & regional data, as reported by Gia Isabella from CleanDNS.